
ESESCommunities.org is a development of Capital City Partnership, funded through the £1.3bn Edinburgh & South East Scotland City Region Deal.
A City Region Deal is a mechanism for accelerating growth by pulling in significant government investment.
With a population of approximately 1.4 million people and contributing approximately £36 billion per year to the Scottish and UK economies, the ESES city region has a strong and successful economy on which to build. But there remains a number of issues that need to be addressed.
Prosperity and success is not universal across the city region. 22.4% of children are living in poverty ; there is a lack of mid-market and affordable housing; and too many people are unable to move on from low wage/low skill jobs.
The City Region Deal will address these issues; it will accelerate growth, create new economic opportunities, and meaningful new jobs that will help to reduce inequalities.
Key projects include cutting edge university research facilities in Edinburgh, a new Borders Innovation Park in Tweedbank, a Fife Industrial Estates Regeneration programme and the creation of 41,000 new homes across the 6 areas - including affordable and rental housing.
Other projects include a Food & Drink Innovation Campus in East Lothian, improvements to Sherriffhall roundabout in Midlothian and sustainable transport links in Edinburgh.
Community Benefits
As well as creating thousands of jobs over a 15-year period, core to the Deal is that communities also receive additional positive outcomes through community benefits. The aim of the ESES Communities portal is to allow communities and good causes throughout the region to find out more about how they can directly benefit from developments in the City Deal.
In addition, the site will act as a hub of community engagement for projects within the deal - as well as promoting understanding of the wider community benefits agenda amongst all businesses and suppliers in the region.
To find out more about the Edinburgh & South East Scotland City Region Deal, visit https://esescityregiondeal.org.uk/