For Business

“Community benefits” are now mandatory to consider in procurements from public funding across Scotland, with businesses encouraged to make positive contributions to those living in the region and promote sustainable operations.
It is likely that the profile and importance of community benefits in the procurement and delivery of all publicly-funded projects will continue to grow, and therefore every business and supplier is encouraged to develop their understanding.
Central to the community benefits strategy under the ESES CRD is to develop the understanding of community benefits amongst not only those hoping to receive benefit, but also amongst businesses of all sizes and industries in the areas.
Support to facilitate community benefits and good deeds is available to all businesses in the region – regardless of whether they are in the ESES CRD supply chain.
This could include enterprises obligated to deliver community benefits under any other public sector spending in the area – but also to those in no public sector supply chains but wishing to positively benefit communities and causes locally through good deeds.
There is no definitive list of what constitutes a community benefit.
Even if you haven’t identified a specific request on this site, we are happy to facilitate any offers such as staff volunteering, resource donations, sponsorship. They do not have to be monetary or physically-led. A small charity may benefit more from your accountant looking over their books, IT staff offering advice and repairs or the use of your meeting rooms for an event or AGM.
Regardless of your level of familiarity with community benefits, we would advise you to consult the resource pages on the For Business section of this website or contact us for more information.
A specific section of our guidance notes also covers information for business and suppliers:
Capital City Partnerhsip can also offer support and signposting to opportunities relating to recruitment of local workforce as the lead on the Integrated Regional Employability and Skills (IRES) programme: