Katharine from the ESES Communities Team attended SCVO's ‘The Gathering’ Conference in Edinburgh on February 4th and 5th.
The ESES Communities Team recently had a really engaging and enjoyable visit to see staff and volunteers at Volunteer Centre East Lothian (VCEL) in Tranent.
The ESES Communities Team recently attended the West Lothian Climate Action Network (WLCAN) Gathering at the Howden Centre in Livingston.
In this clip, you can hear him update parliament on progress on advancing the Community Wealth Building model of economic development across Scotland.
Funding, Procurement & Support opportunities we have become aware of in February
Transform is a community gardening and environmental project for vulnerable young people who need a little bit of extra support to volunteer.
Edinburgh and South East Scotland’s universities and colleges back pledge to build community wealth across the region.
The ESES Communities Team sees various opportunities arise throughout the month.
Learn how BAM recently supported LIFT and The Muirhouse Millennium Centre.
We’ve had a very busy December, and thanks to our generous suppliers and fantastic community groups, this has very much felt like the season of goodwill!
Balfour Beatty has partnered with Capital City Partnership to launch a Construction Skills Training programme
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