ESES Communities and Volunteer Centre East Lothian

27 Feb 2025

The ESES Communities Team recently had a really engaging and enjoyable visit to see staff and volunteers at Volunteer Centre East Lothian (VCEL) in Tranent. VCEL works at the heart of the East Lothian community, providing support, advice and advocacy for individuals and organisations across the voluntary sector. Their work is truly inspirational. 

Carla Allan, Community Engagement Partner (pictured left) has, over recent months, been such an amazing support and so instrumental in introducing us to a deluge of partners across the region.



We initially had a stimulating and thought-provoking conversation with Maureen Allan, Chief Officer before meeting Mitch Stevenson, Community Engagement Partner and Rob Webb, Community Engagement (Policy & Networks) both of whom have also greatly helped us to collaborate with local groups and social enterprises in the area. 

Following this, we had a tour around The Heugh Community Garden with Lorraine Johnston, Project Coordinator (pictured right). This is a beautiful, peaceful and much loved sanctuary and valued service for the community where people can learn to grow their own food and connect with nature. 

Our afternoon ended with a brief but delightful drop-in at Fa'side Community Kitchen whose mission is "to tackle social isolation and address food inequalities by providing a social café approach to connect people through food and activities." We met with Fiona O’Donnell, Development Officer who was just about to start the regular game of bingo for a group of excited folks who had just enjoyed a delicious and hearty lunch. You can see their request for support here. 

A big thank you again to all for being so warm, hospitable and accommodating, especially to Carla whose passion, enthusiasm, assistance and hard work has been exceptional!"