Richmond’s Hope & The Edinburgh Remakery Case Study
Richmond’s Hope is a charity that supports children and young people aged 4-18 who have suffered a bereavement. They help children individually through their grief using therapeutic play and specialised grief activities. Richmond's Hope posted on the ESES Communities Portal because they were in urgent need of laptops for their Bereavement Support Team. The laptops are vital as referrals and data are stored on a 'Cloud-based' database on the laptops. Phone calls are accepted via laptops and their existing equipment was becoming increasingly unreliable.

The Match
The ESES Communities Team publish new requests in their monthly newsletter and via their social media channels, the Edinburgh Remakery saw this request in the newsletter and contacted the team. They donated 5 laptops to Richmond's Hope as part of their 'Tech for Good Programme'.
The Edinburgh Remakery is an environmental social enterprise with a vision to create a culture of sustainable, waste-free living, and protect our planet for future generations. The Edinburgh Remakery understand that access to technology is essential for education, health and benefits services, employment, and social connection. Their programme refurbishes donated laptops, desktops, and other devices, giving them a new lease on life. They gift 20% of these refurbished devices.

"We are delighted to have been donated laptops by Edinburgh Remakery through their Tech Exchange programme. The much-needed new equipment will be used by our Bereavement Support Team in Edinburgh. Our old laptops were becoming increasingly unusable and the new kit will enable our Bereavement Support Team to record, monitor and evaluate our work with bereaved children & young people much more effectively" Sam Harrison, Regional Bereavement Coordinator, Richmond’s Hope.
“The Edinburgh Remakery was delighted to donate laptops to Richmond Hope. The gifted refurbished laptops will enable their beneficiaries to stay connected and tackle digital poverty.” Asrar Qazi, Project & Marketing Executive, The Remakery.
ESES Communities is an online community benefits portal that matches communities and good causes with suppliers and businesses in the ESES City Region Deal area, you can find out more here: