Donation of water bottles

Edinburgh School Uniform Bank

School children in Edinburgh will benefit from the provision of new water bottles thanks to a kind donation from Maxi Construction.
The donation has been made to Edinburgh School Uniform Bank (ESUB), who provide clothing and other essentials such as stationery to families in the city who struggle to meet the rising costs of sending children to school.
Families referred to the charity for their support receive bespoke packs of new school uniform, whilst nearly-new items are given to schools and community groups.
In addition, seasonal appeals for clothing provide families with warm jackets, hats and gloves in the colder months.
Moreover, there is also a focus on other items that school children can benefit from – including durable, re-usable water bottles.
Julia Grindley of ESUB said: “We are experiencing more demand than ever before owing to the cost of living crisis. As well as clothing and stationery, there’s so much more that children need to take to school in order to support their learning experience and everyday wellbeing. Things like insulated water bottles can be expensive items for families to buy, so having Maxi make such a kind offer will mean that 20 local families will be able to send their child to school with one. Being properly hydrated is so important and having a reusable bottle of course cuts down on having to buy drinks in single-use plastic bottles. We’re really grateful to Maxi and the ESES Communities portal for making the link having registered a request for bottles.”.
Lisa Aitken, Business Support Coordinator at Maxi said: “Witnessing the sheer range of items that Edinburgh School Uniform Bank are having to provide to families in the area today was quite startling. Kids now have to take so much more to school than they ever did before and something so simple as a bottle to ensure they are properly hydrated and have constant access to free water as opposed to paying for juice or bottled water is important. When we saw the request on the portal we were of course happy to oblige and it ties in well with the fact that our company has worked on schools in the city. My colleagues and I have since decided to host a donation drive in an effort to help ensure that as many children as possible go back to school in August with the necessary uniform and equipment.”
Founded in 1971 Maxi Construction has delivered new build, extension, fit-out and refurbishment projects in all market sectors throughout central and southern Scotland. They are involved in a number of projects within Edinburgh & South East Scotland, including contracts for the City of Edinburgh Council where they have completed numerous projects within the city’s communities including works at Wardie, Davidson Mains and Duddingston Primary Schools, and they are currently on site at Boroughmuir High School and Gracemount Civic Square.