ESES Communities and the WLCAN Network Gathering

27 Feb 2025

The ESES Communities Team recently attended the West Lothian Climate Action Network (WLCAN) Gathering at the Howden Centre in Livingston. WLCAN's aim is to support and empower community-led climate action across the area. 

The WLCAN team provided an overview of all the extensive and pioneering work and activities they have been involved in over the last year and discussion centred around collaboration going forward. 

Ruth Plevin, WLCAN's Chairperson warmly welcomed us all to their 1st anniversary celebrations before Caroline Sommerville, Communcations Worker introduced WLCAN's new promotional video and Jocelyn Lockhart, Development Worker spoke about their Annual Report and Members Survey outcomes. Graham Clark, Director announced information on their ECO Fund and Rosslyn Barr, Community Engagement Support posed a few thought-provoking Slido questions for audience participation. Conversations ensued around "How We Contribute to Climate Action?" and "What Else Can We Do To Make WLCAN A Success?"

We heard from John Keogh, Director from The Ootsider who runs an ethical non-profit Community Interest Company. They invest all of their net income into making their unique Ootsider sleeping coats and donate these free to vulnerable homeless people living on the streets. (See Katharine modelling the Ootsider Coat).


Firefly Arts - who deliver drama, theatre skills, performance and film making workshops for children and young people - demonstrated a thought-provoking, captivating & emotive performance about their perception & apprehensiveness about the present & future of our planet.

Donald Stavert, Treasurer made the closing remarks and thanked us all for attending.

It was such a pleasure to be at this very enlightening, inspirational, informative and moving morning. We are looking forward to hearing and seeing more!

You can learn more about WLCAN here.